Welcome back Tangenters to another exciting episode. This time Adam is picking up a cue Ron tossed out in the last podcast and has picked out some special moments in his movie loving timeline. Join us as we whoosh through his past and make a few stops along the way through some very special memories and unpack just how he ended up as one of our favorite Cinemasters. As we look back, take a look at your own journey of movie loving and see where you overlap and where your own time traveling differs. Either way, grab your popcorn and some plutonium for the DeLorean as we take a look back in this episode of Box Office Tangents.
First off, you have to call me Nighthawk. Hopefully you know the reference but definitely respect the moniker. (Its from Step Brothers, btw) I am your host to the North of the Cinemasters. Forged deep within the belly of a drunken volcano struck by lightning from a passing comet during the autumnal equinox, the Cinemasters were cast into existence to bring awesomeness to the realm of movie discussion to all who would gather to listen. I am the knowing things half of our namesake and I do my best to guard the sacred truths and trivia of all the movies I have watched through the years. I am a father to two righteous dudes, ages 5 and 7. When not siring them in the ways of Cinema I am absorbing as much film exposure and knowledge as I can so to bring you fine people my offerings of the written word. Ryan Reynolds is my North Star in all things filmtastic and I pledge to give you the finest commentary written and spoken I can Cine-muster.