First off, you have to call me Nighthawk. Hopefully you know the reference but definitely respect the moniker. (Its from Step Brothers, btw) I am your host to the North of the Cinemasters. Forged deep within the belly of a drunken volcano struck by lightning from a passing comet during the autumnal equinox, the Cinemasters were cast into existence to bring awesomeness to the realm of movie discussion to all who would gather to listen. I am the knowing things half of our namesake and I do my best to guard the sacred truths and trivia of all the movies I have watched through the years. I am a father to two righteous dudes, ages 5 and 7. When not siring them in the ways of Cinema I am absorbing as much film exposure and knowledge as I can so to bring you fine people my offerings of the written word. Ryan Reynolds is my North Star in all things filmtastic and I pledge to give you the finest commentary written and spoken I can Cine-muster.

8: Tangents Vol. 8: Movie Game Brainstorm

Well hey there Tangent fans and welcome back to another nice, chill episode of Box Office Tangents. This week’s episode finds Ron and Adam in the lab cooking up a brand new movie game for future episodes. Ron’s using his AI buddy for a little assistance to brainstorm a fun new adventure the boys can enjoy with you all in the future. So make sure you put your own thinking …

6: A Whirlwind Summer Journey through Tinseltown with Ron’s Family

Hey there Cinemaster friends. We’d like to welcome you back for another fun filled episode of Box Office Tangents. It’s summer time and that means it’s vacation season. Ron and his family have just traveled out west for a big family trip. No, not quite Wally World via Cousin Eddie’s place. This is just a good, old fashioned trip to Tinseltown itself, Los Angeles, California. In this episode we are …

5: Tangents Vol 5: Haunted Inheritance, DCEU Trajectory

Gather round Cinemaster adjacent fans as it’s time for some delicious new tangents for the boys to chat about. This week’s episode features some tasty treats in continuing some of our discussion from last week about AI with a delightfully haunted tale of two Hollywood icons spending a night in a haunted hotel. After that, Ron and Adam will be covering some of their thoughts on the trajectory of the …

4: Tangents Vol 4 – AI: Meet Thy Doom

Well hello there Cinemaster adjacent fans and welcome back to another relaxed episode of our spinoff podcast, Box Office Tangents. Today the Rental King and that fella from the North will be taking on a very topical tangent, AI. It’s a big topic so this may be Ron and Adam’s first bite of this particular take with more to come in the future. Is it a tool that could revitalize …

The Accountant: A semi-comprehensive audit

Hey there Cinemaster fans, it’s your old pal Nighthawk aka Adam Peterson. It’s been a little while since I’ve labored over the written word when it comes to movies and I’d kind of like to get back into the habit of it all. I’d like to promise up front that I’ll do my best to be consistent in returning to this venue to reprise my thoughts regularly on the films …

3: Tangents Vol 3: A Tangent About Reboots and Remakes

“Exploring Farts, Movies, and More: Box Office Tangent with Ron Amos and Adam Peterson” Ron and Adam are the two hosts of the podcast Box Office Tangent. They started this podcast as a way to record their conversations about movies. In this episode, they welcome the audience back and exchange some humorous banter, comparing themselves to public radio hosts and Homer Simpson. They then explain that this is a podcast …

2: Tangents Vol 2: Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Chat

Hey there friends of the Cinemasters and welcome back to another intimate gathering of the Rental King and that man from the North. In this sophomore entry in the new spinoff of the Cinemasters podcast, Ron and Adam are going to do a little Guardians 3 chatting. Warning: there are some spoilers if you haven’t seen the flick yet. But these two will bounce around the Marvel universe while summing …

1: Box Office Tangents Vol 1 – 90’s Filmography Showdown: Hanks v. Sandler

It’s official! We’ve got a spinoff. Or maybe it’s a sequel. Couldn’t be a prequel, right? Whatever it is, the Cinemasters are here in a second format. No worries, we’re still all in on Cinemastering the Universe. This is just something a little extra we’re trying out. We’re keeping it tight on time and we’re having a good time. It’s one part old school bits we’ve strayed from and one …