There are 20 movies in the MCU and there isn’t a bad one in the bunch, but the geeks welcome “4KJ” onto the show to try and rank the 10 best in this first of two shows ranking the best of the best (of the best).
Ron "The Rental King" Avis
No no no! I don’t ant it to end, but all good things come to an end. Mark Baker-Wright from Blackrock’s Toybox returns in part 2 of our tribute to Toys R Us. We do some more reminiscing look back at some history on the house Geoffrey built. Oh, and what…
Saying goodbye to one of our childhood mainstays is hard. Really, really hard. So the BitGeeks invited over Blackrock’s Toybox’s Mark Baker-Wright (a former Toys R Us employee) to talk about the good times we had at the iconic toy store and pour and pou…
The BitGeek crew continue their discussion on ranking the top 10 games for the Nintendo Gamecube and Martin shows off his knockoff NES Classic.
It’s the Gamecube’s turn to be ranked with special guest, Martin Reimer. The 4th Nintendo console is one of the worst selling of its illustrious existence, but that doesn’t stop the little purple cube from getting TONS of love on the Internet. In part 1…
In last week’s episode of the BitGeek Podcast, special guest Kirstie (The White Machete) stopped by to talk five movies that scared us. Join us for part 2 and five more movies that scared us! We highly recommend you watch in “the lord’s light”!
Scary movies are a lot of fun, but some movies really pushed our buttons and kept us up late at night. In part 1 of “movies that scared us” we welcome first-time guest, Kirstie (the White Machete), to talk about the first 5 of those movies.
Today if someone were to ask if you wanted to go to the mall, you’d probably say “What for?”. Nick and Ron, a couple of OG “mallrats”, walk you through what a typical trip to the mall when it was *the* place to go: The 90’s.
In this week’s episode Nick and Ron rack their brains to try and think of the 10 best movies of all-time. Since that turned out too be too hard…here, instead, are 10 movies we love.
Two-time E3 attendee Martin Reimer returns as guest to help us peer into our crystal ball for some E3 2018 predictions for Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft.