6: The Evolution of Superhero Movies (1950’s – 2008)

The place is England. The Year is 787. Our Cinemasters are embroiled in the fight of their life. Each of them have selected a movie they've somehow never actually seen and challenged themselves to do the unthinkable. Watch. That. Movie. Ron has selected a classic piece of theatrical genius and has enriched his mind, body and soul with the wisdom contained within. Adam watched a movie with people who do stuff and its pretty alright. They'll tell you things about these movies but if you want to know just what it is that they watched…you'll have to tune in to see the big reveal.

Once you've managed to navigate the enthralling nature of their distinguished tales of motion picture glory, you're in for a real treat this time kids. These boys are marching their way through superheroes/comic book lore as it plays out on the silver screen through the decades. You'll laugh. You'll cry. If you don't pay close attention to your bladder, there's a good chance you could inadvertently wet yourself with sheer delight. These two brothers really know their stuff when it comes to movies about guys in tights and capes. They have a strong bond. You'll get lost in the discussion just as they do and wind up feeling significantly enriched by their nuggets of….well lets just say there's things that could be nuggets and you'll probably get them.

Finally you'll be privy to a BRAND NEW SEGMENT! These boys are on a roll this week, I tell you what. This time they are challenging each other to recast a classic film and bring back their new picks for starring roles in a couple iconic movies in what is being called “Who Played it Better?” Its going to be a case of original cast vs. the best these guys can come up with so make sure you adjust your expectations accordingly on this installment of CINEMASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!

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