69: Cinemasters: 10 Great Remakes, Reboots and Re-imaginings | Rad Dads (Batman, Monster Squad)

Hey there boys and girls and welcome back to another exciting episode of Cinemasters of the Universe! In Episode XI (that’s eleven of you’re counting) which we’ve dubbed the Moonraker of the series we’ve got a lot to cover. Our heroes Reel to Reel Ron and Coming Attractions Adam five right in with a Rad Dads for the ages. Ron shares a Father/Son moment over the 1989 Tim Burton Batman with a 4K 30th Anniversary edition. This dives our fellas into a rousing conversation about the caped crusader’s first big screen foray as the true Dark Knight. Adam and his boys found out that the Wolfman does, in fact, have nards in the 80’s classic “Monster Squad”. But to find out if the guys are Rad Dads or not.
Then after the coming attractions is the Feature Presentation and in this installment our Cinemasters will be giving us 5 of their favorite reboots, remakes and re-imaginings of previously made films. With Nostalgia in full effect these days, the popular route these days is for a studio to take what we love and see if they can do it again. Sometimes it’s a win and sometimes it’s a Will Smith Genie…but no matter how you slice it, it’s the way of the cinematic world today. Ron and Adam take turns giving us their top picks and you can see how their lists stack up against your own.
Finally there’s a teaser trailer (of sorts) for a new segment the Cinemasters are introducing. The price of admissions to this show is free and you’re going to be involved. On the next episode the guys will be unveiling a Trivia game for their (and your) enjoyment. You’ll have to tune in to find out exactly how it works on the next exciting adventures of the CINEMASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!!!

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