74: Cinemasters: 10 Great Sports Movies, Rad Dads (Kazaam/Labyrinth)

Step up to the plate movie fans and welcome to the big show. This is where that fun little Sports Center jingle would go if I had it and copyright wasn’t a thing. But in this episode our Cinemasters are taking on the wide world of sports with reckless abandon.

Kicking off our Coming Attractions this time around we ask our fellas once again if they are Rad Dads or not. Ron decided it was time for the kids to see the immortal David Bowie/Jennifer Connelly classic “Labyrinth” while Adam took things in a completely unexpected direction and sat his boys down for the often overlooked cinematic gem featuring the second biggest genie, “Kazaam”. Did each of these timeless treasures make the play with the next generation or were the laces not out on this kick?

After that we move into the Feature Presentation, 10 of the best Sports movies of all time. It’s the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat as Ron and Adam run down their picks for the best play makers in athletic filmmaking. There might be some curveballs but with these two swinging for the fences I don’t think anyone will need a buzzer beater to win you over on their rankings. And don’t worry, we’re probably close to out of sports lingo at this point. One more, and we’d be in the penalty box for sure!

Finally, the post credits scene this week is a teaser for the next round of Trivia Junket! In the exciting next episode our fellas are gonna duke it out in the ring of movie knowledge. They’re each going in blind as to what 10 questions they will get this time around so if you want to see this prize fight you’ll have to make sure you tune in next time for the CINEMASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!


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