Gather round children as we interrupt your regularly scheduled internetting for a special broadcast. The Cinemasters have gone to see another recent release and are here to give you their take on it. Much like their previous stand-alone episode reviewing “The Joker”, our heroes have taken to the theater once again to give you a fresh look at a new film. This time the boys went to see the much anticipated sequel to the 1980 Stanley Kubrick/Stephen King masterpiece “The Shining” known as “Doctor Sleep”. Its 2 and a half hours of Ewan McGregor goodness filled with chills and thrills. But buyer beware, this review is riddled with spoilers of every kind. If you’re curious to see if this one is worth your time and don’t mind a little bit of a peek behind the curtain before you see it, feel free to tune into this very special installment of “THE CINEMASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!”
79: Cinemasters: Spoiler Review ‘Doctor Sleep’

Ron "The Rental King" Avis
I am your host to the left. In the ancient days when the stirring of the great volcano foretold the coming of the Cinemasters, I prepared the way by imbibing the forgotten lore of all things Cine-magical, hence I am the one who drinks. It is through my liquid merriment that I bind my talents to the other half of our intrepid duo to expertly craft the audio and visual wonderment beholden to the masses via the internets of old. By the secret wisdom handed to me through fluid consumption, our awesomeness is perfected like an electrical shock wave out of the tip of a unicorn horn directly into the aortic valve of your heart where the secrets of the universe are hidden. I am romantically entangled with a wondrous lady whom I call my wife. She has bore me the progeny of a son and a daughter and it is by this offspring that it is possible for me to be a Rad Dad. Everything seen and heard from the Cinemasters is by my hand.