84: Cinemasters: Movie Mad Libs ‘Star Wars’

Calling all Star Wars fans! Calling All Star Wars fans! We are looking for all our film friends who aren’t (or are maybe only a little) butt-hurt about the Star Wars film franchise to enjoy a brand new tasty piece from the Cinemasters of the Universe! We have an extra special treat in the form of a 4th Cinemaster being sworn in on this very special Coming Attraction: Star Wars Mad Libs!

4K Jay joins Ron and Adam to play a fun little game while we talk some Star Wars. This morsel should tide your podcast appetite over until the Feature Presentation of their review of “The Rise of Skywalker” and general Star Wars discussion comes out later this month. This time we are all about some good old fashioned sophomoric fun. Ron got his hands on some Star Wars themed Mad Libs and our 3 Star Wars Stooges will conjure up some of the most immature parts of speech their Jedi minds can come up with.

We would like to apologize in advance to George Lucas as we hold nothing sacred in this episode sure to make even the Emperor blush a little. And trust us, it’s genuinely hard to tell with that gross Palpatine skin these days. So hop in a falcon, hijack a Thai fighter or ride piggyback on a Wookie because it’s nothing but fun time Star Wars laughs in this interim episode of the CINEMASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!

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