89: Cinemasters: The Evolution of Kevin Smith

Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! (and Gentlement too) The Cinemasters are in the hizzzouse! That’s right movie fans, we are kicking off our dedication episode to Jay and his hetero life mate, Silent Bob, creator and legend amongst many, Kevin Smith! And in addition to an excess of the usual ear candy (I’ll refrain from comment on our video presence…) we provide we have gone longer and harder this time, fortunately not in an awkward place like the back of a Volkswagen. And as an added surprise we have our newest Cinemaster joining us again, Matt Mercer. It’s our personal homage to one of the greatest storytellers of a generation who has a loyal fan army of millions. It’s pretty much the only reason Tusk made ANY money.

We’re going back to the beginning with the movie that started it all, “Clerks”, and moving through the years of Kevin’s illustrious career from the briny shores of Leonardo, NJ all the way out to Critters of Hollywood in LA. These three Cinemasters have an overload of information from trivia to personal testimony and they’re going to tell it all with no need for a prompt from Walt Flanagan. You’ll get insight into all of Smith’s films from the favorites to, well, the flops. We all love Kevin but if given the chance to go back and do it all again, it might have been #WalrusNo. But that doesn’t stop these three Quick Stop faithfuls from celebrating a man who brought the world the joy of Jason Mewes, gave Jason Lee his start in motion pictures and put Ben Affleck on the map. Any way you slice this Egg-A-Mooby Muffin, the world is a better place with Kevin Smith.

So grab your Big Choice Video card, crank up the Olaf “Berzerker” and fill this with Coke, no ice because our Cinemasters are giving you their secret stash in this very special, super extended, might be a squeaquel episode of CINEMASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!

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