Monthly Archives: March 2020

One Matinee Ticket for Coronapocalypse, Please

So things are a just a smidgen nuttier than the cumulative total of all rejected goodies from a 3rd grade bake sale right now. Everybody is stuck inside. Celebrities are flooding social media with videos pining for our collective attention. Its a very weird and rare time to be alive. And amidst all the anxiety ridden, panic inducing, toilet paper hoarding fury we are finding a new way of life …

A Fifth of Irish Movies for St. Paddy’s Day That Goes Down Smooth

I’d imagine this post might seem just a tad late as its clearly the 18th of March now and the celebration of St. Patrick has officially ended, though its only the wee hours of the morning and I’d venture many conventional observers have only recently ended celebratory efforts. However, my intention is not to be tardy for recommendations for this year. I’ve picked out 5 films for people to keep …

DVD/Digital Releases 3/10

This time around I’m going to break up the home video releases from the theatrical releases and touch on things headed to the big screen later in the week. So I figured I would take a quick moment to address some of what’s finding its way to the DVD aisle and your home streaming service this week. First lets tackle the DVD releases. The four major flicks hitting shelves this …

No Need to Keep This Spencer Confidential

If you chat me up about movies for even just a few minutes, you’ve got a a pretty solid chance of me rambling about something pertaining to Ryan Reynolds. He’s clearly one of my favorites that ever was. There’s really no substitution for him but in the same way that I’ll gladly accept a grape Fanta if you’re out of Orange, I’ll happily entertain a Mark Wahlberg flick any day …

A Fond Farewell to Max Von Sydow

Hearing the news today that Max Von Sydow had passed was admittedly not a shock as he’s seemed relatively “up there” for a while now, though there’s always some element of surprise when a celebrity passes. Even at age 90, Sydow was still churning out films with his last project listed in post production status according to IMDb. A quick review shows that he has 163 credits as an actor …

31: Adam and Ron Ask “WHAT??? You Haven’t Seen That?” for Heat and Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Hey there Cinemaster fans. We are back again with one of our signature Tasty Bites. In this Coming Attractions episode we are going to circle back to a couple of films that Ron and Adam missed seeing somewhere along the line. That’s why we call this segment “WHAAAT??? You haven’t seen that???” because typically that’s the response we get. Yes, we’ve seen a lot of movies but there are also …