Hey there Cinemaster fans. We are back again with one of our signature Tasty Bites. In this Coming Attractions episode we are going to circle back to a couple of films that Ron and Adam missed seeing somewhere along the line. That’s why we call this segment “WHAAAT??? You haven’t seen that???” because typically that’s the response we get. Yes, we’ve seen a lot of movies but there are also still a LOT of movies out there. So we use this as a special place to slow down just a little, like we’re in a Welch’s jelly commercial, and smell the cinematic roses. This time around we will be covering a pretty broad spectrum as we go back to the early 1960’s for Adam’s pick and shoot forward to the mid 90’s for Ron’s. We will look at Audrey Hepburn’s most iconic role as Holly Golightly in the scintillating classic film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” as well as the high intensity of two film titans going head to head on the big screen in a matchup of De Niro v. Pacino in “Heat”. Will these selections from the film library of yester-year prove to be worth our Cinemasters effort or should these flicks have stayed frozen in time? To find out you’ll have to tune in to this episode of CINEMASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE!
91: Cinemasters: Breakfast at Tiffany’s & Heat (What?? You haven’t seen that??)

Ron "The Rental King" Avis
I am your host to the left. In the ancient days when the stirring of the great volcano foretold the coming of the Cinemasters, I prepared the way by imbibing the forgotten lore of all things Cine-magical, hence I am the one who drinks. It is through my liquid merriment that I bind my talents to the other half of our intrepid duo to expertly craft the audio and visual wonderment beholden to the masses via the internets of old. By the secret wisdom handed to me through fluid consumption, our awesomeness is perfected like an electrical shock wave out of the tip of a unicorn horn directly into the aortic valve of your heart where the secrets of the universe are hidden. I am romantically entangled with a wondrous lady whom I call my wife. She has bore me the progeny of a son and a daughter and it is by this offspring that it is possible for me to be a Rad Dad. Everything seen and heard from the Cinemasters is by my hand.